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Lactating man! Believe it or not, this guy really squirts milk from his tits.

Monday 11th April 2011 22:54 | Posted by Marazi
Category: other videos | Rated: sfw

WTF kids TV program in Belgium. The producer must be a pedophile, or what?!

Sunday 9th January 2011 22:19 | Posted by Marazi
Category: funny videos | Rated: sfw

Toll hopper fail. How do you say �fail� in French?� Le Fail?� or is it La Faile?

Wednesday 29th December 2010 18:51 | Posted by Marazi
Category: funny videos | Rated: sfw

Tags: toll, jump, fail, subway

Soldier walks into roadside bomb and loses a limb or two.

Wednesday 10th November 2010 16:52 | Posted by Marazi
Category: shocking videos | Rated: sfw

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