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Horrific car crash in Russia leaves a trail of dead people on the streets.

Thursday 30th September 2010 18:24 | Posted by Marazi
Category: shocking videos | Rated: sfw

Tags: car, crash, dead, death

13 People killed in car crash.

Thursday 16th September 2010 22:32 | Posted by Marazi
Category: shocking videos | Rated: sfw

Traffic stop makes car crash into some people.

Saturday 17th July 2010 18:45 | Posted by Marazi
Category: shocking videos | Rated: sfw

Crash survivor crying for his family. Horrific video of people burning alive after bus accident.

Thursday 1st July 2010 22:16 | Posted by Marazi
Category: shocking videos | Rated: sfw

Tags: crash, bus, cry, burn, alive

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